Community Radio Forum of Ireland Society Ltd
Our Vision = Everybody’s Right to Communicate.
CRAOL Community Radio Forum of Ireland Society Ltd. will empower and support community broadcasters nationwide to deliver a social benefit to their communities through active volunteerism, shared resources, good governance, partnership and networking”
CRAOL Community Radio Forum of Ireland Society Ltd., hereafter reffered to as CRAOL is the representative, coordinating, lobbying, training and support group for Irish Community Radio. Every week, across Ireland, 2000 Community radio volunteers broadcast to 170,000 people in 21 fully licensed stations and almost 30 aspirant stations.
Core Objectives
To advance the community radio sector through: Good Governance, Training, Networking, Communication and Advocacy.
To develop a network of licensed, not for profit, democratic community radio stations
To offer education, training and support for network members
To encourage network members to build the communities they serve
More about Craol
The organisation primarily focuses on the support and development of community radio and through the combined efforts of the coordination committee and contracted project coordinator, they coordinate and implement an annual list of workshops for its members as well as offering an on-going support and helpdesk. In 2010, Craol launched a programme exchange and resource bank through an agreement for mutual co-operation between Craol member stations. CRAOL Community Radio Forum of Ireland Society Ltd. is also a registered provider of QQI Accredited training.Craol has developed four training modules which are QQI accredited. These modules are delivered by Craol trainers in member stations to volunteers and members of the communities they serve. Craol delivers this training to ensure a high standard of community broadcasting.
Our mission is to develop the Community Radio movement in Ireland and to realise its potential to make a difference to the communities its members are part of. As such, it actively promotes the rollout of Community Radio across Ireland and the development of partnerships with like-minded bodies.